5 Clever Tips To Clean A New Home

Starting fresh in a new place, whether it’s your first rodeo or you’re an old hand at it, the goal remains the same: you want a spotless space. However, among all the other tasks, taking care of the cleaning can ramp up stress levels really quickly.

To lighten your load and make the cleaning marathon less daunting, dive into these five practical tips to spruce up your new digs!

Tip #1. Create a custom cleaning plan

While you could go blind into your new cleaning quest, having a plan will save you lots of time and let you be prepared for any event.

Do a quick tour through your home and write down the areas that need cleaning. Highlight the grungy corners, dusty spots, and any stubborn stains. Once you’ve got a list, prioritize it—sort out what needs immediate attention.

While you’re brainstorming, round up your cleaning arsenal—think detergents, brushes, mops, and cloths. It will spare you from unexpected trips to the store.

Tip #2. Let the air flow freely

After being under wraps for a while, your new place could have developed some stale smells. The key move here is to let the place breathe and swap out the old air for some fresh one. Pop open those windows and doors, ushering in crisp air and booting out any lingering odors.

Besides, with all the cleaning chemicals in play, good ventilation isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. If present, give those air vents and filters a once-over for optimal airflow.

Tip #3. Clean up before the furniture is set in place

Cleaning your new home is easier when you’ve got the place to yourself before the furniture rolls in. This approach grants you room to maneuver, ensuring no nook or cranny goes uncleaned.

Knocking out the cleaning tasks before every room gets furnished ensures a thorough job, setting the stage for a fresh and inviting place right from the get-go.

Tip #4. Tackle the tough spots first

When you’re settling into your new digs, a strategic move is to tackle the challenging areas first before you run out of steam. If your house is pre-owned, areas like kitchens and bathrooms often require extra care, making them prime candidates for your cleaning kickoff.

Pro-tip: If you have a cleaning checklist, use it to guide yourself through the process.

Tip #5. Give high-traffic areas a sanitizing swipe

It might seem a tad odd to wipe down light switches, doorknobs, and handles when you’re just getting into your new place. But think about it; previous inhabitants, realtors, and many others might’ve had their hands all over these seemingly innocuous spots.

Countless hands-on interactions can turn those high-contact spots into a haven for all sorts of unpleasant stuff or bacteria. Take a moment to give them a good scrub with some disinfectant.

Need a hand? Look no further than One Click Maids!

The truth is that moving into a new home is no small feat—stress can arise at any moment! Luckily, One Click Maids offers a comprehensive move-in cleaning service that will ensure your new place is spotless and you have more time for your other duties. Get instant pricing now!

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