A Practical Guide To Clean Your Messy Microwave

The microwave oven is so practical in heating food quickly, making your life easier. However, it can also get messy with the same ease if you get distracted for too long.

Although it may seem difficult to clean your microwave interior due to how grimy it can look, you can do it easily if you follow some simple steps. Check them out here and achieve a pristine appliance in no time!

You’ll need these cleaning supplies

Before diving into the microwave cleaning process, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. Luckily, you may already have at least some of these items at home. Here’s what you need:

  • Water. An essential for most DIY cleaning solutions.
  • Mild dish soap. Enough to tackle the grime without damaging surfaces.
  • A spray bottle. Perfect for an even and easy distribution of any solution.
  • A kitchen sponge. Its roughness and absorption properties come in very handy.
  • A couple of clean microfiber cloths. Multipurpose and effective cleaning tools.

Step 1. Prepare your DIY cleaning solution

Making a homemade cleaning solution is easier than you might think—it will take you less than five minutes! Just fill a spray bottle with clean, warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. The warm water helps to remove grime better and makes the dish soap dissolve quickly.

Step 2. Take out and wash the removable parts

Food bits and grease stains can get under the turntable, too! So, if you want to clean your microwave thoroughly, you’ll need to remove the turntable and the roller ring (if possible). 

Carefully take them out and wash them by hand in your kitchen sink using warm, soapy water if they have stubborn spots. Place them in the dishwasher if they are not that dirty—ensure they are dishwasher-safe!

Step 3. Wipe down the interior

With the detachable parts out of the way, you’ll have more room inside the microwave to tackle the grime easier. Spray all the interior with your homemade solution to weaken the stains and gunk. Just be careful near the vents to avoid leaks that could cause malfunctions.

Let at least two minutes pass, then grab your trusty kitchen sponge and wipe the interior walls from top to bottom. Rinse your sponge as often as needed until there is no trace of grime inside your microwave—use the rough side for difficult spots!

Pro-tip: If stuck-on food hinders your efforts, use a plastic scraper (or something similar) to remove it.

What if you find stubborn spots?

Try using a baking soda paste for particularly stubborn spots or dried-on food residues. Mix ½ a cup of baking soda with one tablespoon of water to create a thick, spreadable paste—test quantities until reaching a toothpaste-like consistency.

Apply the paste to the stains and let it sit for a few minutes to loosen the grime. Then, use your damp microfiber cloth or sponge to scrub away the stains.

Step 4. Rinse and dry thoroughly

Once you’ve finished removing the grime, give your microwave a final rinse with a dampened, clean microfiber cloth. However, you don’t want moisture potentially causing damage or bad smells inside your microwave, so grab another clean microfiber cloth and dry thoroughly.

Step 5. Reassemble your microwave

Finally, after everything’s dry, place the turntable and roller ring back in their respective positions, ensuring they fit securely. Properly assembled and cleaned, your microwave should be ready for your next meal.

What about using lemon and vinegar?

This method (which involves boiling lemon or vinegar) to clean your microwave works, but only to a certain extent. Those ingredients aren’t powerful enough to deal with tough grime, so use them only when dealing with light dirt.

Get expert cleaning for the rest of your home!

Keeping a spotless home goes beyond a clean microwave. However, sometimes, life can get in the way and can keep you from doing your household chores. Save yourself the hassle and get professional house cleaning services by One Click Maids. Check out our services!

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